Jubilee Church Bromley - Who We Are

Who We Are

Jubilee Church is made up of a group of Christians based in and around the Bromley Common area, based at the Jubilee Centre in Southlands Road.

Our reason for being together is found in one person – Jesus Christ. We share the common purpose of serving Jesus, and one another. We also want to serve our local community and do what we can to show God’s love; we believe that God loves our world. He really is interested in each and every person, whoever or wherever they are – and that includes Bromley!

We believe that a life lived for Jesus is simply the best – it may not always be easy, but knowing Jesus’ love in the difficult times, as well as the good times, makes such a difference.

Jubilee Church is a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation ('CIO') and is part of the Evangelical Alliance and Pioneer network of churches.

Our Mission & Values

Our mission

Following Jesus’ example, we love and worship God, seek to live life to the full, generously share what we have and demonstrate God’s love in his world.

Our values

Love We believe in loving, supporting and including people, no matter who they are.

Authentic We believe in living, acting and speaking with integrity.

Adventure We are inspired by the Holy Spirit to journey together in fun, freedom and creativity.

Witness We want to share and demonstrate God’s love, grace and power.

Justice We act and speak in ways that show God’s compassion to address injustice in the world.

Friendship We build relationships based on trust and commitment, with each other, in our community and throughout the world.

Our Team


Jubilee Church is led by a team that is headed up by Derek Holl and collectively they have responsibility for the overall vision and direction of the Church. Each member of the leadership team is committed to seeing the local church growing and working together and is passionate about seeing individuals empowered and released to serve the community in which we live. Our desire is for people, whoever they are and whatever their background, to encounter Jesus Christ and to experience His love, grace and life for themselves.


The Trustees are the people responsible for the control and management of a charity and who serve on its Governing Body. Trustees have, and must accept, ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of a charity and ensuring that it is solvent, well run and meeting the needs for which it has been set up.


We are pleased to be able to employ a small team of part-team staff to support the work of the Church. Each person brings their skills to benefit children, young people and adults who are part of Jubilee Church, the local community, the wider Church across our borough and beyond. We also have many volunteers helping in many areas of church life. Our volunteer Pastoral Team Leader oversees support for individuals in the church.

Derek Holl's Photo

Derek Holl

Church Leader

Jackie Mills's Photo

Jackie Mills

Leadership Team
Worship Leader

Clare Holl's Photo

Clare Holl

Leadership Team

Lisette Hill's Photo

Lisette Hill

Leadership Team
Operations Manager

Jon Mills's Photo

Jon Mills

Worship Leader

David Wood's Photo

David Wood


Debbie Okoro's Photo

Debbie Okoro


Jessica-Ann Jenner's Photo

Jessica-Ann Jenner

Children and Families Worker

Our History

The Jubilee Centre stands on ground that has been home to a church for almost 100 years.

It has been the base for Jubilee Church since it joined with the Belmont Mission after their leaders invited Jubilee to take over the work on the old mission site.

Jubilee Church was founded by Jim and Sylvia Holl and has met under various names and in a range of locations in the Bromley Common area since the 1970s. Now retired, Jim and Syliva are no longer involved in the day-to-day leadership of the church. However, both continue to play an active role in church life.

Belmont Mission started as a boys club in Bromley Common, and was founded in the 1920s by a young man called Kiff Balfour. The boys club developed into a church and was based in Southlands Road for almost 70 years.

Since coming together, we have lived through many exciting changes, including saying farewell to the old mission building which was in state of disrepair, and the opening of the new Jubilee Centre in October 2004. We have seen God do some amazing things in ways we could scarcely have imagined before. Jubilee Church has continued to develop and grow into the vibrant Christian community it is today.

Our Finances

As a charity, Jubilee Church relies on donations from its members and others who support our work. Church members are encouraged to commit to give what they can on a regular basis. Our treasurer, keeps our trustees and leaders informed about our financial status.

The funds we raise through donations are used to cover necessities, such as running and maintaining the Jubilee Centre, which is the main hub of our activities and we also employ part-time our church leader, an operations manager, a children and families worker and a youthworker. We believe we are called by Jesus to give generously and the remainder of our funds are used to support a number of projects and activities in our local community, the UK and overseas. You can find out more about these elsewhere on our website.

If you would like to make a donation to support the work of Jubilee Church, please contact us directly via the Treasurer, Jubilee Church, 157 Southlands Road, Bromley, BR2 9QZ.

Our Connections

Relationships are important to us, and that includes links with other organisations that we are part of or choose to support. Here are some of the key connections we have, locally and nationally.

Churches Together in Bromley Common

We have developed good links with other churches in and around the local area and are part of Churches Together in Bromley Common. This involves regular meetings throughout the year where leaders of the churches share together and pray for our local community. We also hold joint services every now and again, where members of all churches meet together in one place to worship God.

Transform Bromley Borough

Jubilee Church have a growing friendship and relationship with a number of churches across Bromley who believe that God’s favour is upon those who "dwell together in unity". We come from different backgrounds, we hold a variety of views and opinions and often have different styles of doing church but, we share a common vision of wanting to see the love, grace & power of Jesus shared and released with the whole community across the whole of the borough of Bromley. We seek to connect on the basis of friendship and shared lives and, no matter how good or effective we may be as individual churches, we believe that we can do more together to proclaim and demonstrate the good news of Jesus than we can on our own, so we choose to be together. Find out more about Transform Bromley Borough at: transformbromleyborough.org.


Spinnaker is a charity that creates opportunities for children to engage with Christianity. It operates in over 70 schools in a number of London Boroughs, including Bromley.

Spinnaker has regular contact with over 10,000 children. Jubilee Church provides some financial support to Spinnaker and is directly involved in its work through members of our church.

Pioneer Network

Jubilee Church is a part of the national Pioneer network of churches established in 1985. Pioneer is a UK based group of churches committed to the sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in a non-religious way that is relevant to every sphere of society and culture.

Evangelical Alliance

We are also part of the Evangelical Alliance, an association of churches, reaching across all denominations that uphold the fundamentals of Christianity.

Over the years, Jubilee Church has developed relationships with a number of churches and Christian organisations overseas. This includes South Africa, Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia.

We provide support financially and, where possible, on a practical level through visits to teach or help with projects. We also support one another spiritually through prayer. Here are just some our international links:

Operation Mobilisation

Since the early 1990s, Jubilee Church has supported Operation Mobilisation, known as OM. Working in more than 100 countries, OM’s aim is to motivate and equip people to share God’s love with others all over the world. We provide financial support and pray for them regularly.

Inter-mission Industrial Development Association

We have provided financial and prayer support for this organisation, which is based in Chennai - the largest metropolitan city in South India.

The Inter-mission Industrial Development Association has 15 of its 18 branches in this city, which has a population of 8 million people in the Greater Chennai area, and focuses on giving relief and rehabilitation to people below the poverty line.

Join Our Team

Senior Youthworker (part-time)

Location: Jubilee Church, Bromley (SE London/Kent)
Job Description: Available Here
Salary: Part-time (16 hours per week) annual salary: £11,057

Should you apply?

Jubilee Church in Bromley is a medium-sized, intergenerational, relational church. We are committed to investing in children and young people. The land our building is built on has had youth as its mission for almost a 100 years…

Could you help us continue that legacy?

Could you be the person to invest in a new generation of young people that need someone to get to know them and give them the tools, space and opportunities to grow in their faith?

Our leaders value the input and skills youthworkers bring to a church. We have a small staff team and a church that are generous and encouraging. We hope you will consider us as a home to develop your skills, grow your faith and build healthy relationships with our young people and local youthworkers.

This role has a genuine occupational requirement to be a Christian.

Please download the job description for further details including salary.


Please email info@jubileechurch.co.uk with your questions or to arrange a call to discuss.

To Apply

Please send your CV to info@jubileechurch.co.uk

Please also include a cover letter, detailed email or a short video message explaining why you would like to be considered for this role, why your Christian faith is important to you and how your skills and experience meet the requirements in the person specification of the job description.